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Jacks persona film still


Jack's Persona

Jack's Persona: Welcome

Jack's Persona is a ten episodic storyline I Directed and Produced for the online drama app WhatsyourPersona? who broadcast it worldwide.

The goal of the show was to take filmmakers from all over the world and give them a platform to showcase their city and to tell a dramatic story that would appeal universally. I was given a budget to shoot the series, which consists of ten two minute episodes, in Glasgow over a few days for the London based company.

I was assigned a writer after pitching the idea and together we developed the screenplay for each episode deciding which locations would both suit the characters as well as showcase the many aspects of Glasgow, my native city.

My goal with this story was to tell something highly dramatic but unpredicatable by subverting the traditional stalker plot with a complete role reversal of the protagonist. Having such a limited amount of screen time to tell the story allowed me to focus on what was essential to each episode and the overall story arc.

Jack's Persona: Featured Project
Jack's Persona: Gallery


"The talented cinematographer from Kildrum will have her film ‘Jack’s Persona’ shown on the App in instalments next month which will have a potential audience of well over 100,000 people."


- Cumbernauld News

Jack's Persona: Featured Project
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